Thursday, July 30, 2009

Classifying Animals: Amphibians

We have been learning how to classify animals in Room 10. Here is a movie by Max and Jennifer about what the characteristics of an amphibian. Take a look!


  1. How cool is that Rm 10! Go Max and Jennifer. I wish I knew how to make a movie like that. What a funky way to display your learning.

    Well done.

  2. Love it Room 10 - you have managed to make a bunch of facts fun. Love the funny moves in between :)

  3. Well done MAx and Jennifer. I loved the karate moves - I know those geckos can be pretty tricky so it's good self defense!
    The facts were interesting and informative.

    Loved it!
    Mrs Fale

  4. Fantastic movie Max and Jennifer. Love the karate and cheering at the end.

    Martin (Max's dad)

  5. thanks for the movie - it was very interesting. It also introduced the xtranormal movie player for me to explore and use. Do you like the way you can find unexpected stuff you can use just by looking around? Thanks again and congratulations.

  6. Dear Max and Jennifer,
    I like frogs because they are green. They jump and they have a family. I really like your movie about amphibians because there were two people talking.
    From Nikita

  7. Wow Room 10, great facts but what I really want to know is how did you do that? I will show my kids next week looks like you gys are really enjoying your learning. Kepp up the great work!

    Mrs Nua

  8. Hi Room 10,

    We loved watching your xtranormal movie. We used xtranormal on our Acrostic poems. We liked listening to your facts on amphibians.

    From Room 3 PBS

  9. hi room 10 your blog is really cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I like your animal factsI am in room9 come and look

  10. Hi room 10.That was cool about amphibian and it took for a while but it doesn't matter. It is great.

